Where We Have Been

Kristin and her associates have, and continue to, spread their message of fostering resilience across the United States. Kristin has provided countless keynotes, full day-trainings, workshops, leadership sessions, virtual sessions, book study facilitation, and consultation and observation to tens, maybe even hundreds, of thousands of people.  She has enjoyed doing this and is grateful for the investment and faith they have in her and this work!  This map above shows all of the states that Fostering Resilient Learners has made an impact.  As of summer of 2024, Kristin and her associates have worked in almost all of the 50 states, provided virtual training all over Canada, and her work has been featured in South Africa, England and parts of Europe that she knows of so far. Each pin doesn’t even count the amount of cities in each state where we have been able to share our message (it was too complicated to try and include every city within each state). Our hope is to someday soon, have our message reach all 50 states and throughout the globe!



Want to see your state on this map? Click here to have Fostering Resilient Learners in your school!