
Our passion lies in supporting your efforts. Here is what our colleagues and partners are saying about us.

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During the 2023-24 School year Kristin spent time working with all different aspects of our school district. During one visit she participated in walk throughs in classrooms at our K-8 Building. During this process, she walked around with the principal and a small team to observe students in classrooms that were struggling with behavior. After watching each classroom, she provided a quick debrief with the team and the classroom teacher of ideas that could be implemented immediately to help the student and the teacher to be more successful. At the end of this day, she worked with the whole team on things she saw, ideas to implement right away and suggestions for improvement for teachers and administrators. The team felt this day was one of the most powerful experiences they have had in getting immediate feedback with ideas to implement right away with the students in the classroom. -Superintendent, washington

“Last year our County Office of Education hosted a series of county-wide professional development 25 workshops called “Safe and Healthy Communities ~ Weaving a Ribbon of Support.”  At the recommendation of one of our famous long standing partners, author and training provider, we included three trainings provided by Kristin Souers. Kristin provided relevant information in a captivating and actionable way. One third of our school districts/communities that were in attendance to her training are bringing her back for multiple days to assist with a deeper drive into the work they are doing. Kristin was a joy to work with and we are grateful for the work she is providing. -Director of Grants and Special Projects, California

We recently had Kristin for a full day in person training.  We brought her back because the response to her training last year was very positive.  Kristin delivered again.  We had a large audience of education professionals who gave up a day in July to participate.  Their responses were very positive with statements like, “Would love to see more trainings with this presenter!” “Great presentation!” “Very informative and can’t wait to try some strategies in August.” And, “Thank you so much! This training was very helpful and has rejuvenated my excitement for school to start.”  Kristin has become our "go-to" expert for building and sustaining trauma-invested educational environments.  Her clear and direct presentation style provides educators with knowledge and strategies to implement in the classroom the next day.  I have learned a lot from Kristin during our time together and appreciate her flexibility to tailor workshops to our educators' needs. -Regional SEL Specialist, Illinois

Kristin is amazing! 

Kristin brings her real life stories, her expertise and her experiences as a mental health specialist to the school setting. 

She brings her passion and energy as she educates staff on dealing with students of trauma. 

Kristin is a fabulous presenter, she is the real deal -EVERY educator should have the privilege of hearing Kristin's message to support all students.

Kristin is easy to work with and very flexible!

-Instructional Facilitator

Kristin Souers is a premier expert on Trauma Informed practices, helping to empower both educators and students through the use of trauma informed practices and strategies that truly transform a school. Her expertise with regards to fostering resilient learners sets students and educators on a path for significant success that can change the culture of the school in a positive and powerful way. 

As a consultant, Kristin provides meaningful professional development for staff, teaches students about their brain and regulating emotions, offers in-classroom coaching for teachers demonstrating effective strategies for a trauma informed approach, specifically shows how to implement strategies across the school campus, provides workshops for families to discuss ways to incorporate these strategies at home, creating a bridge between the school and families, and gives purposeful feedback to help address challenges along the way. This proactive and in-depth approach yields much success. 

-Assistant Principal, California

We invited Kristin to keynote our Rebuilding for Learning Summit in 2016. The Summit is a collaboration between our city, county, and school district with an average annual attendance of well over 1,200. Within the composition of attendees, we have over 35 frontline organizations serving youth and families including educators, law enforcement, county social workers, major medical facilities, numerous non-profits alongside various for-profit businesses, etc.  

With that backdrop, any group seeking a dynamic person who effectively melds expertise, personality, audience engagement, and caring -- who happens to also be a world class presenter -- you'll want to contact Kristin Souers. If that sounds like hyperbole, you should know that our teacher union subsequently invited Kristin back to present at the Western Wisconsin Education Conference, and countless groups started book studies around her co-authored book entitled, Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom. The learning and discussions (and the professional relationship with Kristin), has continued far beyond her speaking engagements.

Kristin is "user friendly" for any conference or professional development planner(s), and her content knowledge is certainly salient for those working with contemporary youth and families. At the conclusion of each one of our Summits we ask for attendee feedback, below is a brief glimpse of what folks had to share regarding Kristin:

  • "I would have liked to spend more time with the Kristin Souers. She could have stayed all day as her work was hands down the BEST.

  • "Kristin's information was very engaging."

  • "I was encouraged by Kristin and learned a great deal."

-Associate Superintendent of Instruction

Today, I attended the PD about creating a trauma sensitive classroom. Her book was highly recommended in a training I attended in January, and again in the co-teaching cadre. After reading her book in it's entirety, I was eager to hear her speak. It was a great day. Thank you for organizing this. It energized me for this upcoming school year, and will help me to grow and improve for my students.

-Teacher from Kentucky

I am honored to be able to recommend Kristin Souers in her work which positively impacted the children, staff and members of our community.  We had the pleasure of welcoming Kristin in November of 2016 as part of a federal grant to our school district, as a continuation of our efforts to better assist children with social and emotional challenges.  As part of the grant, Kristin was asked to speak with all third, fourth and fifth grade students in the school district. 

Kristin used the time to reinforce messages of what it means to be ‘learning ready’ with students.  She shared accessible and understandable language of our ‘upstairs brain and downstairs brain’ and how students can recognize their own stressors to better cope with challenges.  Her energy and excitement were infectious; the children were highly engaged in all of the schools she visited.  In addition, students discussed how the language and themes of being ‘ready learners’ can be used both at home and at school, with particular focus on understanding oneself, building resiliency and learning from setbacks.  Finally, teachers and staff were encouraged to use similar language with students to help reinforce the message, which I am pleased to report continued long after her visit.

Kristin also shared a more scholarly presentation with members of our school administrative team, and concluded the evening with an engaging community discourse.

Kristin’s book Fostering Resilient Learners was the catalyst that helped us in our efforts to better engage families and the larger community in this most important work. I highly recommend any school district bringing her to their community – you will be most pleased with her hopeful and inspiring message!

-Principal Hallowell Elementary School, Hatboro-Horsham School District

"Kristin Souers has worked with our district over several years and staff members keep asking for her to return! Kristin is knowledgeable and engages her audience.  She is a quality speaker."

-Assistant superintendent

Our school district has partnered with Kristin Souers over the past 15 months.  Like other districts, we've participated in a variety of initiatives and professional development over the years; however, I can honestly share that Kristin's work has been one the most positively received professional development engagements that we've brought to our district.   Some other initiatives have been met with skepticism and uncertainty, but that wasn't the case with Kristin.  Resoundingly, our teachers enthusiastically grasped the concepts and immediately identified opportunities to incorporate those concepts into their classrooms, and they were hungry for more!  Kristin's presentations have helped reframe our mindset in supporting our students and creating a positive school culture.  We now have a common language around supporting students across our district and that's due to Kristin's work with us.

-Director of Student Support Services

Ever since reading Fostering Resilient Learners, Kristin's work has played a role in the work I do as an educational leader.  The way in which Kristin shares her message about trauma invested teaching is relatable and inspiring. Her teachings have shifted the way in which I view behavior in the classroom and have given me many strategies to implement with students. I have brought her work to educators that I collaborate with in order to broaden the empathy we have for students who are struggling, as well empower us with language and strategies we can use to support. Kristin is passionate about the work that she does and delivers her teachings with compassion and conviction.

-Director of professional learning

"I just wish you guys would move into our school full-time!"

-Teacher in Delaware